
Houses for sale in the Hill District

2 June, 2011 (12:00) | Pittsburgh

Alright, now that we’re into the summer and for sale signs are posted, here’s a break down of all the houses that are for sale in the Hill District:

113 Erin Street – $143,900 : My neighbor’s house who passed away in February 2011 and now his son is selling it. If you’ve been to my house, it has the same exact floor plan, but has a deck. Listing & County Assessment

117 Erin Street – $63,319 : My neighbor’s house who declared bankruptcy in September 2010. If you’ve been to my house, it has the same exact floor plan, but has a deck.  She also put in expensive tile throughout this house.  You have to do some research on how to get a house on sheriff sale, but come June 6th, this thing will be sold to the highest bidder. Instant equity here. Listing & County Assessment

9 Davenport Street – $93,500 : This house is just across the parking lot from me. If you’ve been to my house, it has the same exact floor plan.  Listing & County Assessment

139, 147, 153 Erin & 129, 139 Davenport = $150, 000 : New constructions in 2010.  Garages and yards.  Listings & County Assessment

There are a bunch more, ranging from older/smaller/cheaper to new/larger/more expensive listed here.  All of these houses are about a mile to downtown and about half a mile from the new Shop n’ Save and YMCA going into the Hill District.




Comment from Matthew Redfield
Time June 2, 2011 at 10:08 pm

Let’s get a consortium together and buy 117 Erin.  I dunno if I could afford the mortgage payments myself… hmm, what would they come out to?