
Legend of the Green Dragon Reunion!

1 June, 2011 (12:00) | News

I’ve been away from the game long enough that some of you may not know my involvement in the free online role playing game, Legend of the Green Dragon.  This weekend, June 4th  (6/4), a bunch of players are getting back on as a sort of reunion, and I thought it might be a good time to share the link with you in preparation.

It’s a fun text based game, that is energized a lot by players interacting with one another and taking on the role of the character they set up.  As the creator of the site, I took on the role of the king.  You should join us this weekend if you’ve never played! Here’s the announcement from the site:


Hear ye, Hear ye
In the Sixth month and on the fourth day of this very year…

There shall be a gathering.. a reunion.. of those that once shared a fate,
A fate so epic that it has bound them,
One to the other, throughout all eternity.

They come one by one, from the depths of the sea,
From the heights of the mountains and treetop dwellings.
From castles and keeps, temples and catacombs
From the peaks of mount Olympus
And the hidden shadows of the underdark.

They gather from shore to shore..
To be united once again in the Land of Six.

Yes.. The KING Sixf00t4 has vowed he, himself, would be honored
To make an appearance at such a gathering
Of some of the finest warriors the gods have ever known…
Join us on June 4th!
For this too shall be an Epic Adventure!


When you sign up, enter one of the following codes to receive bonus gold or gems!

reuniongold‘ will net you 10k gold
reuniongems‘ will net you 10 gems.