Personal Update

Kallie in Cali – A lonely husband’s log – Day 1

20 December, 2011 (23:33) | Personal Update

I’m being super proactive and structured while Kallie is out in California for a week.  My default has been to do nothing, get mopey and grumpy, and sleep a lot.  I’m going to try to have a very productive and also entertaining week while I’m by myself.  The reality of this probably being one of the last weeks on my own for a very long time is certainly in the air.  I’ve had many people warn me to get any projects done around the house, because once the baby comes, you have no time for anything.  Here’s a recap of Day 1:

5:45am – Wake up to drop Kallie off at the airport

7:00am – Arrive back home, take a nap before work

9:30am – Wake up and realize you should already be at work.  Oops.

5:00pm – Come home, watch the movie ” The Number 23” – A quick review:  This has so many qualities of the psychological thrillers I love.  I am so inspired to write stories after watching this movie.  I identified with the character so much, and having the premise of the movie being the main character identifying with a “fictional” character in a book just drew me in further and deeper.  No way Kallie would have enjoyed that one.

7:00pm – Do the dishes, tidy up a bit.

8:00pm – Build the LEGO Ferrari Racer – My mother in law is basically my LEGO supplier, and she’s usually good for awesome bulk collections, but this collection had the book and pretty much all the pieces to this amazing set, so I put it together.  It’s so awesome.  It’s hard to tell the size from the picture, but it’s a hefty foot long.  It looks and feels just like a model.  I think I’ll even leave it together for a bit.

9:00pm – Sort the rest of the LEGO bricks I got for Christmas while watching the SNL Christmas special.

11:00pm – Do some pushups, write some emails, surf around a bit, quick devotional, bed by midnight!


Look for a daily log for the week while Kallie is gone, hopefully to keep me honest and motivated by fear of man…or something.