LEGO© Creations

Octopus Escape! – LEGO Competition – VOTES NEEDED!!

5 July, 2012 (22:15) | LEGO© Creations

Hot off the tails of the Cathedral of Learning winning the S.W. Randall competition, I became aware of LEGO’s new beta site,, and their competition!  I didn’t have much time to prepare or make a bricklink order, especially with us going out of town 4 days before submissions were due!  The rules are pretty simple:

  1. No photoshop
  2. Original entries created for the contest
  3. Must fit on a 32 x 32 stud plate
  4. Must contain an octopus, either built or LEGO figure

Seeing as I don’t have any LEGO octopuses, I had to create my own from scratch.  I thought for a couple of days on what I’d do.  I remember seeing a video on youtube a while back that demonstrated how smart octopi are.  They like puzzles, they can open jars, and sneak through tiny holes.  I wanted to capture an octopus escaping from an aquarium!  The first thing that came to mind were these really long bionicle tentacles, but I only have 4 of them and at about 10 inches long, they wouldn’t be the correct scale to fit on a base plate anyway.  I did remember some of the atlantis sets having some black dinosaur bones that could be used as tentacles though, and as luck would have it, I had 8 in stock!  PERFECT!

At first, I made a tiny black aquarium, but the black on black was too dark.  I asked Kallie to help me with some feedback.  She suggested a color change and making the tank bigger.  I took her advice, she through in some artistic touch with the clear cheese slopes on a blue background to add a water effect, and then she also took some pictures since I hate that part.  I never grew up with a camera, and I just don’t feel at home behind the lens.  I don’t see things in artistic ways through photography.  Keren got all that talent I guess.

Anyway, here’s my submission.  Click the link and give it a vote by clicking “like” next to it.   Since it’s still a beta website, I think I have a shot at least!