| Final Hill District master plan, grocery store, and New Granada apartments |
Looks like the Hill’s grocery store is finally financially stable enough to move forward and be completed by late spring or early summer, but we’ve been told that before. Also in the article is an announcement for new apartments and retail 1 block away from me. Good news! – http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/business/news/funding-secured-for-hill-district-shop-n-save-660928/
If you are curious what is in plan for the Hill District in the coming years, here’s the recently completed master plan. It’s not a quick read by any means at 146 pages, but you can at least scroll through the pictures. TLDR;
Here’s some highlights:
- Reconnect the Hill to downtown’s street grid.
- Amphitheater at MLK park
- Shops along Centre avenue
- More fill in housing and mixed income developments
- Residential revival of Bedford avenue and further roads to capitalize on the amazing views above the Allegheny river and the Strip District.