UPDATE: Read more about the LEGO Ideas project here – http://sixf00t4.com/2014/04/lego-ideas-project-cathedral-of-learning-and-stephen-foster-memorial/ Email me if you want the parts list, instructions, or to buy a kit from me! https://sixf00t4.com/contact-me/ Contact me if you would like to obtain the instructions for this build! Here’s a video of it being digitally blown up! Back when I did the […]
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Tags: 3d, architecture, art, brick, bricklink, cathedral of learning, contest, Deirdre, design, forbes avenue, Google, Kallie, LEGO, memorial, model, Pitt, pittsburgh, sculpture, sketchup, squirrel hill, stephen foster, sw randall, tower of knowledge, toy, university of pittsburgh, window
Comments: 3, 12,712 views
A practical use for LEGO in the data representation arena. Colors are used to show countries and adding the to the depth of the cartogram to show emigration and immigration to countries. See, I can do useful things with LEGO too! http://infographicsnews.blogspot.com/2011/02/cartogram-done-in-real-3d.html
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Tags: 3d, art, cartogram, chart, data, graph, LEGO, map, people, statistics, stats, world
16 March, 2011 (12:00) | Dreams |
Someone needs to invent the technology to record dreams. I have so many ideas and write so many songs in my dreams that I can’t remember when I wake up. This is one of the ideas that I do remember. I was involved in the creation and marketing of a device that added realism to […]
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Tags: 3d, box, chair, consumer, disney, interactive, mist, movie, spray, technology, theater, theatre, water
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