14 September, 2015 (12:00) | Dreams |
Today is Wednesday, October 16th, 2012. Last night, I had a dream where I was riding in this new train system. It was massive. There were 3 or 4 cars and each car was about 50 feet wide. It moved at high speeds on a single narrow track that was easily installed all over a city […]
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Tags: accident, bridge, crash, death, dream, engineering, future, obama, prediction, rescue, september, train, water
here’s another memory of when I almost died, or at least, almost caused severe bodily damage to myself. Twice. I was changing the tires on my 92 ford taurus at my mom’s house one day. I had it jacked up, and the wheel was off. I was sitting down, with my legs out in front […]
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Tags: accident, car, dodge ram, flat, house, how to change a tire, jack, mom, taurus, tire, truck