I was driving in the car the other day and I heard a commercial for HD radio. I remember hearing about these things years ago and thought for sure they’d go the way of the Betamax. why would anyone want HD radio? What’s wrong with normal radio? Why are all these “extra stations” not on […]
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Tags: am, antenna, car, digital, fm, hd radio, poll, radio, road trip, stereo, xm, xmradio
I am going to be doing a few updates to the site. expect many things to be broken.
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Tags: am
Comments: 10, 3,221 views
2 April, 2004 (02:43) | News |
The girl never ceases to amaze me. She, once again, brought a finger eleven show to me. They are coming to x-fest. and so is switchfoot. many more to be announced. i bought 4 tickets. so i will see them there and rolling rock town fair. matchbook romance is coming to Mr smalls too. lots […]
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Tags: Adrienne, am, COMING, Finger Eleven, girl, great, more, rock, show, thanks, will
Comments: 2, 2,733 views
my hair is falling out. the top of my head is thinning. the sides are still full and growing. ‘ts bad. I am a 40 year old. beer gut and man boobs to match. notice the new survey.
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Tags: am, falling, hair, head, Man
Comments: 4, 3,024 views
check this out. hate hotmail’s ads and lay out? me too. and when i am not at my computer, that is the easiest way to check my hotmail account…until now. There is now a hotmail module to the right that you can use to log into hotmail. So simple it almost hurts. I also added […]
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Tags: am, feature, simple, watching
Well, it will be a lengthy process, but I am going to move all the cool links and such from the old site. Once everything is onto this site, i will change the url to point sixf00t4.ath.cx to this site, and the old site will be lost forever.
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Tags: am, change, point, will
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