There is a big difference between cost and worth and they should never be confused. Just because a shirt costs $990 does not mean it is worth $990, or anything near that! There are so many examples of materialism where people pay so much more than the practical value of an item. Even if […]
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Tags: amazon, best buy, cost, costco, dollar, insanity, item, market, money, price, ridiculous, sense, value, worth
Today didn’t go quite how I wanted it to go. I lost structure and got distracted and demotivated a lot. We’ll see if I can get better for tomorrow. 7:30 am – Wake up for an 8:00am workday start from home Noon – quick jaunt to the local post office to send off some last […]
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Tags: alone, amazon, audio, best buy, commerce, computer, exercise, home, home depot, Kallie, lair, living ministry, money, music, pittsburgh, ridiculous, rock bottom, run, speakers, target, tv, who's still standing?
It’s been long enough out of the original Napster era and RIAA filing extravaganzas that we can revisit this and see if there has been change. In fact, there’s probably even room to take it a step further away from even acquiring music at all. Some people may rely solely on places like, pandora, […]
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Tags: 99 cents, amazon, download, free, grooveshark, illegal, internet, ipod, itunes,, limewire, listen, MP3, music, napster, pandora, radio, riaa, sattelite, share, shawn fanning, sirius, store, xm, xmradio
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