27 September, 2012 (12:00) | Reviews |
In short – If Apple were to make a baby monitor, it would be the Withings Smart Baby Monitor. You will want it as soon as you see your friend use it. When you look at the package, you will think that little naked cherubs designed it all to fit together for you to […]
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Tags: app, baby, baby monitor, best, camera, ever, internet, iphone, monitor, night vision, portable, review, temperature, withings
Kallie and I found a nice groupon getaway to the Lowes Annapolis Hotel. We stayed a Saturday and Sunday night. During the first night, there was an event held in the main atrium of the hotel. I could imagine the noise from that event carried into the 6 floors of rooms that surrounded the atrium. […]
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Tags: annapolis, app, breakfast, food, groupon, guide, historic, history, hotel, inn, iphone, lowes, Maryland, middleton, review, reynolds, tavern, tour, town, trip, vacation, visit, walk
30 September, 2011 (14:59) | Reviews |
So this device was announced back in September of 2010 when Apple announced their Airplay technology. I was stoked for this technology. Kallie wanted a way to play her music in the kitchen, and throughout the house for that matter, and her laptop speakers…well, they’re laptop speakers. I didn’t want to go buy a […]
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Tags: airplay, airtunes, app, apple, battery, home, home theatre, ios, ip37, ipad, iphone, ipod, itunes, iw1, Kallie, mac, music, network, pc, portable, rechargeable, remote, review, security, sound, speaker, stereo, technology, toy, wep, wifi, wireless, wpa2
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