This is nuts. This guy can carve the tips of pencils into just about anything. I can’t imagine how many times he’s had to start over after breaking off a tip.
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Tags: amazing, art, carving, dalton, dalton ghetti, geek, graphite, lead, pencil, school, sculpture, tip
I can’t take all the credit for the work involved in this one. There are 9 32 x 32 stud plates (which makes this 30 inches by 30 inches!) that I divvied up to the 9 kids in my class this year. I used software to break a standard image down to 96 x 96 […]
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Tags: art, baseball, brick, bricks, buccos, class, excel, kids, LEGO, logo, mlb, mosaic, picture, pirate, pirates, pittsburgh, pittsburgh pirates, PNC park, stud, student
The wise man built his house upon the plastic brick, apparently. It claims to be the world’s largest, most comprehensive illustrated Bible. Tons of LEGO inspired recreations of Bible stories.
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Tags: art, bible, block, God, Jesus, LEGO, model, moses, recreation, Religion, scene, testament
This is some of the smallest origami you’ll ever see. This is srz bzns. He uses a tooth pick to create all the tiny folds.
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Tags: art, cool, folding, geek, nano, origami, paper, small
I once set out to create a model of Pittsburgh out of bricks. It didn’t turn out well. Scale is a hard thing to maintain when constricted to the shapes of LEGO bricks. So, the mini-series was born. As I’m inspired, or as requested, I’ll set out to recreate individual buildings and landmarks. Here’s what […]
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Tags: arena, art, block, brick, bricks, buildings, cathedral, cathedral of learning, civic, creation, LEGO, mellon, mini, model, Pitt, pittsburgh, recreation, scale, series, tower, university, us steel tower
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I’ve had Ego Leonard in the hopper to blog about for a while now, but it seems current news has beaten me to the punch! Turns out, one of his extra large 8 foot tall LEGO sculptures has “washed up” on a Florida beach. How appropriate, seeing as LEGO opened up another Legoland theme park […]
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Tags: art, beach, ego, ego leonard, Florida, LEGO, legoland, leonard, netherlands, Orlando, theme park