22 December, 2017 (00:07) | Reviews |
I just finished watching Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond. I think a lot of people won’t care to watch it. I thought it was wonderful. I just started the 4th sentence of this review beginning with “I”, and I think that’s fitting in the context of this movie. What is an artist? Someone who […]
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Tags: andy kaufmann, art, ARTIST, Jim Carrey, man on the moon, movie, review, tony clifton, vulnerability
Someone had found my previous version from a few years ago and asked if it was for sale. I tore it down shortly after it was built, but I said I could recreate it pretty easily. I fixed a lot of the problems the old one had, and ALMOST had its weight centered on that […]
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Tags: ARTIST, becauseitsthecup, brick, commission, go pens, hockey, LEGO, moc, nhl, penguins, pens, pgh, Pitt, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Penguins, sculpture
I stumbled on Austin Kleon’s list here. I’ll break down his list, and add in my own advice and support for each of them. After all, all advice is autobiographical and all I’m doing is stealing like an artist. A lot of these are already similar to a Hall’s Rule of Social Order, and some […]
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Tags: advice., ARTIST, Austin Kleon, create, creativity, life, list, people, quote, read, rules, steal, top 10, Work
Nathan Sawaya, known as the brick artist, is my favorite LEGO artist around. He mixes brick with modern art sculpture. His latest project is Hugman, where he leaves a LEGO man hugging random urban objects. Kind of a viral marketing technique, kind of a Banksy method, but still entertaining and unique in it’s own way. […]
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Tags: art, ARTIST, banksy, brick, graffiti, LEGO, Nathan Sawaya
I realize that I won’t be able to blog frequently on my own LEGO creations, so I’ll showcase the works of other people as well. This one was displayed at Brickfest by Suzanne Rich
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Tags: art, ARTIST, brick, brickfest, catan, create, die siedler, games, inspiration, inspire, LEGO, settlers, settlers of catan
Comments: 6, 3,779 views
16 July, 2009 (13:50) | Music |
Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer these questions. Try not to repeat a song title. It’s a lot harder than you think! Repost as "my life according to (band name)" Pick your Artist: Soul Coughing Are you a male or female: Monster Man Describe yourself: Mr. Bitterness How do you feel: I […]
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Tags: ARTIST, Bitterness, dreams, friends, Moon Sammy, song, transportation
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