Men don’t wear jorts. Children wear jean shorts. Jean shorts belong in the 90s. This means you, John Cena. The fact that Tobias Fünke wore them should be enough reason for you not to wear them.
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Tags: arrested development, attire, clothes, fashion, funk, funke, jean shorts, jeans, john cena, jort, jorts, Man, manly, men, shants, shorts, tobias, wwf
You’re only as dressed up as your least formal article of clothing. More specifically, you can’t dress up sports gear. A football jersey with a sports coat and tie underneath is still a football jersey. A sweater vest with warm up pants is still warm up pants. You’re basically a walking contradiction. That, or you’re […]
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Tags: athletic, attire, bum, clothes, dress, fashion, formal, lazy, rule, sneakers, sports
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Sweatpants are never acceptable attire. Neither men, women, or pets should wear them. Evar.
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Tags: attire, clothes, horid, men, PINK, sweat pants, sweatpaints, unattractive, women