19 February, 2007 (03:55) | Top 10 |
May catch some heat for this one, but, here goes… Smoke. Swear or use vulgar language be indecisive about what she wants for herself be indecisive about what she wants from you Have guys as her prime source of friendship get drunk (assuming you’re completely sober) attract attention in public for being loud, rude, drunk […]
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Tags: author, emotion, love
Comments: 4, 7,028 views
holy cow! i had no idea that is was snowing so bad. There is like 6 inches of snow out, and it looks like PennDOT hasn’t even touched the roads. So needless to say, it was fun getting into work today. I love the snow though, i hope it never stops. But i also hope […]
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Tags: Adam, author, chair, Christmas, code, game, God, home, house, love, oil change, people, play, Work