A musical act should be rated against this rubric to determine their quality: Band’s name – 3% Band’s aesthetics (clothes, make up, hair, physical attractiveness, showmanship) – 7% Ability to attract listener’s attention (lyrical hooks, real life publicity, etc) – 10% Instrumental proficiency – 23% Originality/inspirational quality of lyrics – 26% Ability to perform live […]
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Tags: acoustic, autotune, bad, band, blink 182, dicky barrett, good, green day, industry, mighty mighty bosstones, music, musician, performer, rating, ugly, unplugged
I’ve had a few people asking my about my diet while Kallie is away. It’s not great, but I’m getting by. The nice thing is, I asked Kallie not to go grocery shopping before she left. First, just so she didn’t have 1 more thing to do before she left, but also because I’m not […]
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Tags: bad, California, depression, diet, disorder, eating, food, frustrated, george carlin, grocery, health, insane, iphone, Kallie, mean, mental, obsession, ocd, rude, socially inept, stress, stuff, Work
How important are expiration dates to you? They’re intended to protect consumers from health risks, but also maintain quality of the product. I almost think that not following dates becomes more wasteful of your time since you’re constantly evaluating the quality or the “edible level” rather than just drawing the line and moving on. Efficiency […]
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Tags: approval, bad, best by, dairy, date, decision, eggs, expiration date, expire, expired, fda, food, meat, milk, observation, poll, question, sell by, sick, sour, suggestion, use by
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