A musical act should be rated against this rubric to determine their quality: Band’s name – 3% Band’s aesthetics (clothes, make up, hair, physical attractiveness, showmanship) – 7% Ability to attract listener’s attention (lyrical hooks, real life publicity, etc) – 10% Instrumental proficiency – 23% Originality/inspirational quality of lyrics – 26% Ability to perform live […]
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Tags: acoustic, autotune, bad, band, blink 182, dicky barrett, good, green day, industry, mighty mighty bosstones, music, musician, performer, rating, ugly, unplugged
Modeling isn’t a career. Neither is DJ’ing. I’m sure you can think of a bunch of others that fall into this category. By definition, “career” means “an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed by one’s life work.” There’s a reason for the existence of the expression “don’t quit your day job.” Ultimately, […]
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Tags: band, career, DJ, dream, job, mature, model, musician, normal, party, play, responsibility, society, success, waiter, waitress, Work
Checking out BoringPGH.com the other day and stumbled on this gem. I’ve never heard of the band Formula412 before, but I dig it. The video is pretty decent, and I really like the concept. Might even make PAT Transit look cool…if that’s possible. It was done by Bill Paladino, who you’d recognize as the guy […]
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Tags: band, Bill Paladino, black and yellow, bus, formula 412, formula412, local, music, pat, pat transit, pittsburgh, rock, video, wiz khalifa
The only time it’s acceptable to wear a band’s t-shirt to the same band’s concert is if you’re in the band.
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Tags: ac/dc, apparel, band, bands, blink 182, concert, concerts, pearl jam, tshirts, winger
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