What should I do with all these old jackets from my high school sports days? I was not a record setting athlete by any means, but I have jackets from soccer, basketball, and then even some jackets from little league baseball. They’re really nice quality jackets, but they have my name embroidered into the chest […]
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Tags: baseball, basketball, burn, clothes, destroy, donate, fashion, give, high school, identity, information, jackets, personal, soccer, sports
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My senior year in high school, I was dunking. My hands were too small to palm a basketball firmly enough, so I had to build up the ability to get high enough for both hands to be above the rim. Let me step back a bit. We had a new coach my senior year. I […]
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Tags: above the rim, air, basketball, Charleroi, coach, dunk, foul, high school, jam, jump, Laurel Business Institute, loss, memories, memory, slam, technical, ups, violation
Here’s an update on some Hill District projects: YMCA: This is going in 2 blocks from my house on Centre Avenue. It is currently slated for an early 2012 completion. Should be awesome to have an indoor basketball court and pool so close! Also, it’ll be one of the city’s largest green certified buildings. Post-Gazette […]
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Tags: basketball, Centre Avenue, certified, civic arena, Connelley, Consol Energy, consol energy center, duquesne, green, hill, hill district, Hill House Association, home, house, leed, Mellon Arena, money, One Hill Coalition, paul mccartney, penguins, pharmacy, PHP, Pitt, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Green Innovators, school, shop 'n save, washington, Work, ymca
So, I’m trying to transition over to itunes (version 9) after being a hardcore winamp user since the late 90s. Winamp’s keyboard shortcuts are the cat’s pajamas though, and I’m missing them tremendously. Specifically, the shortcut to jump to a song. Hit "J" and just start typing in a title or band and it dynamically […]
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Tags: basketball, iphone, Jordan, michael jordan, play, song
I’ve always been a fan of rooftop decks. The optimal place for a roof top patio thing would be on a sky scraper/condo building, but I’ll take what I can get. Maybe I’ll use this desire for a roof patio to go along with my love for open lofts. You know, the ones where the […]
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Tags: basketball, love, play, steel rafters
After my parents split, I got to have a day with my dad by myself. Thursday nights. I normally had a boy scout meeting then we’d go home and watch the simpsons. Sometimes, we’d take a drive out past Malden crossroads and up a hill to the left past a church to a dead end […]
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Tags: basketball, church, dad, home, house, play, serah