Things to do over my 12 day birthday weekend… Personal Development Make at least 1 life altering decision Became a organ donor Work out at least 3 times…1/3…FAIL! Become 24 years of age in mind, body, and soul…It was achieved a few times, feeling pretty good DO NOT SLEEP IN!…SUCCESS! Do something you’ve never had […]
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Tags: art, birthday, cellular telephone, church, Death Cab for Cutie, driver, friends, game, house, movie, oil, people, Playstation 3, sleep, song, Work
So, first post in a long time. I have been thinking in the past week…who the EFF am I and what happened this year?!!?! 2006 was definitely a year for major changes. Let’s recap: Started Drinking at new years Darn near killed myself snowboarding in Colorado Promotion at work to level 2 – 4pm to […]
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Tags: birthday, dad, house, school, serah, Work
When we were up at Yankanuck, J’aime and Keren came up with this idea to send grandma a newsletter every month, and call it “tell-a-gram”?. We would each take a month heading up the letter. No one ever did it, until J’aime took some intitiative last week to get us all to write a little […]
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Tags: birthday, dad, food, friends, home, internet appliances, Keren, movie, music, secretary, soul food, Work, wtf, yankanuck
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october. It went from 70 degree weather to 50 in the matter of a day or two. i’m not happy. effing october. Went down to annapolis this weekend with my sisters to hang out with serah. it was a good time. we didnt really do all that much, but it was nice to hang out. […]
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Tags: birthday, happy, Mike, mom, money, school, serah, Work
ok, so i am back from canada, but i haven’t uploaded pics yet because i am waiting to get Keren’s from her. I’ll make a note when i get them up. Other than that, it was great. I did absolutely nothing. hung out on the island, read some books, played some guitar, hung out with […]
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Tags: Adam, birthday, Canada, cuz, family, gas bill, guitar, home, house, Keren, LAN, LAN party, lawyer, love, people, school, serah, Tommy
Comments: 2, 2,442 views
well, back at work after a short weekend. This is the first weekend in a while that i haven’t had to do anything. No weekend shift and I didnt go home to see my sisters or do anything at the estate. It was nice. I deep cleaned the apartment on saturday and went over to […]
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Tags: birthday, dad, family, home, house, love, money, movie, paris, play, school, song, Work