Three years ago today, around 2pm, I watched the color from my dad’s face dissappear. it was a Monday. I held his left hand in my left hand. I almost got sick at how he changed colors so fast and drastically. J’aime, Serah, and Robbie were in the room too, but I’m not sure which ones […]
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Tags: attorney, brother-in-law, Bruce, dad, emotion, family, happy, left hand, life insurance, memories, Mercy Hospital, people, priest, Robbie, Sarah Slavic, Scott, serah
29 October, 2007 (05:18) | Dreams |
wow. I think i see a trend going on here. i woke up at almost 4:15am from this dream. I had gone to bed about 4 am last night and slept until 5:30, and went to bed around 1am. I’ll have to start recording the times and such of these dreams. I’m going to leave […]
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Tags: AOL, Bruce, dad, Deirdre, dreams, family, funny, house, memories, movie, people, pepsi products, play, serah, sleep, What dreams may come, Work
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