LEGO Ideas is a site set up for people around the world to submit their ideas for possible sets. After I created my Cathedral of Learning and Stephen Foster Memorial in the Spring of 2012, I had many people ask me if I was going to submit it as a project for LEGO to review. […]
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Tags: architecture, bill peduto, building, cathedral of learning, cuusoo, Facebook, ideas, LEGO, people, Pitt, pittsburgh, project, support, university of pittsburgh, vote, world
On July 4th, 2012, Gulf Tower debuted the new light display on the top of the building. Many people didn’t realize that the light had indicated the weather since the 1970s, and it was all controlled manually by the receptionist. There’s a Rick Sebak documentary that highlights it well. Along with the weather, the new […]
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Tags: building, gulf, gulf tower, KDKA, LED, lights, morse code, pittsburgh, sign, top, tower, weather
I had this idea sometime shortly after the attacks on the world trade towers on 9/11/01. There were all these people stuck on floors so high up, and their only way out were the windows. So many people just jumped to their death. The only other method of getting out of the building was the […]
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Tags: 9/11, building, chain, climb, emergency, escape, evacuate, fire, idea, ladder, portable, safety, sky scraper, window
Pittsburgh Housing Authority announced their plan to demolish Addison Terrace in the Hill District. If this goes through, it will only leave the Bedford Dwellings as the last remaining barracks style housing projects in the Hill District. For those of you not familiar with the Hill but hear about shootings and crime, 99.9% of all […]
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Tags: building, contruction, ghetto, hill, hill district, home, mixed income, Pitt, pittsburgh, projects, redevelopment, section 8, the hill
This goal is certainly not very likely to happen, but the idea of it really appeals to me. If I was ever capable of making a large donation to a university or institution, I’d love them to name the building “Josh Hall”.
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Tags: building, buildings, donation, egocentric, legacy, love, money, names, philanthropy
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