What should I do with all these old jackets from my high school sports days? I was not a record setting athlete by any means, but I have jackets from soccer, basketball, and then even some jackets from little league baseball. They’re really nice quality jackets, but they have my name embroidered into the chest […]
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Tags: baseball, basketball, burn, clothes, destroy, donate, fashion, give, high school, identity, information, jackets, personal, soccer, sports
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I want a huge fireplace. big enough to stand in. A walk in fireplace. Something you can have a bonfire on. I don’t want to have to bend over and hit my head on the mantle. Oh, and the mantle should be awesome too. Ornate, or just big and awesome as well.
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Tags: architecture, big, burn, deep, design, fire, fireplace, house, kitchen, large, oven, over-sized, stove, that's what she said, wood
http://gawker.com/5750105/spray+on-skin-a-demonstration We have skin in a can now. some guy gets 2nd degree burns on a Friday, they scrape some stem cells from him, spray them on his wounds, and he’s all healed up with barely any scars by Monday. It’s like the coolest use of an air spray gun. Reminds me of an old […]
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Tags: airbrush, burn, cell, gun, heal, medical, medicne, paint, research, skin, skin cell gun, spray, stem cell
Which would you rather be? Extremely cold or extremely hot? I can’t stand the heat. I get sweaty, tired, and irritable. Also, when you’re hot, you can’t do much to cool down. When you’re cold, you can run around or something to get warm.
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Tags: air conditioning, burn, cold, freeze, hot, park, poll, sun, temperature, warm, weather
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