Corporations are not people. Corporations are run by people. They are not individuals and should not be entitled to any rights, privileges, or opportunities that would supersede or even equal the rights of actual people.
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Tags: business, company, corporations, government, people, rights
Never fully trust a realtor. Despite what they say, they’re probably not thinking with your desires 100% in their minds. As a general rule of thumb, you should always know and question people’s intentions. if they have no incentive to help you, they probably aren’t. realtors make money from you. They have a little motivation […]
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Tags: agent, business, buyer, for sale, foreclosure, home, house, money, profit, real estate, realestate, realtor, realty, sale, seller, trust
Build your identity on what you do, not what others do. Mind your own business don’t worry about celebs dating lives or the big movies they’re in. We’re supposed to get excited about Emmy awards? Aren’t their salaries enough of an award? Aren’t the endorsement deals, the free meals, or the fame enough for them? […]
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Tags: award, awards, business, celeb, celebrity, circus, designer, emmy, Entertainment tonight, famous, gossip, identity, movies, outfits, red carpet, rumor, store, street, tmz
The only way to get ahead in life is to own your own business.
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Tags: ahead, business, dot com, entrepreneur, invention, life, money, power, security, self starter, start up
I hate dress socks. Why do I have to wear them? Because that’s what society says is normal and acceptable to be considered “dressed up”? Not good enough. Because they’re dark? How about I got a pair of WHITE dress socks in a variety pack. WTF??? When would I EVER want to wear white dress […]
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Tags: air, blood, business, casual, dress, dress socks, feet, rant, socks, tight, wtf
This is another one of those ideas that came to me in a dream. There was a popular guy that ran this coffee shop hang out place, and I went to him all excited about an idea to help his business. He had all this wall space that he liked to hang paintings and photos from […]
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Tags: art, business, ideas, independant, people, pictures, pittsburgh, point state park, post cards, school