What do single people with no friends do when they have to get an operation? How about people from out of town, either as exchange students or just long term work assignments? How do you get yourself to and from a place while you’re under anesthesia? When I had to get foot surgery, It required […]
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Tags: car, care, drive, family, friends, help, industry, medical, rent a friend, service, surgery, transportation
How much debt do you have? Include everything – school loans, house mortgage, car payment, business borrowing, everything.
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Tags: bank, car, debt, dig, interest, loan, money, mortage, percentage, rate
I’m like a car Once you get me to start I’ll take you near or far Just keep refueling my heart. Cars are like birds. Achieving speeds so fast Able to make the sharpest turns but if not alert, it crashes into glass. A bird is like a child They’ll go anywhere without […]
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Tags: as, bird, car, like, metaphor, symbolism
When Kallie and I had our back windshield broken by some kids while she was at work, she drove it home and I started doing some research on getting it replaced. In my online search, I found a lot of car windshield replacement services that boasted 24/7 hours. What I learned though, is that just […]
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Tags: 24/7, aaa, broken, call, car, charge, danger, drive, extra, Fix, glass, help, Kallie, mechanic, next day, overnight, repair, replacement, wind, windscreen, windshield
I’m a mile away from your bedroom door I wanted to get close, but I can’t go anymore There’s caution tape around the 1 mile radius of the crash site that claimed the life of one of us How vividly I can remember the events of that day And I thought that we both escaped […]
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Tags: car, crash, die, driving, girl, kill, love, Man, poem, wreck
I was driving in the car the other day and I heard a commercial for HD radio. I remember hearing about these things years ago and thought for sure they’d go the way of the Betamax. why would anyone want HD radio? What’s wrong with normal radio? Why are all these “extra stations” not on […]
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Tags: am, antenna, car, digital, fm, hd radio, poll, radio, road trip, stereo, xm, xmradio