When I was kid, we had an uncle that would give us a $100 bill if he were in town during our birthday. He was in twice for my birthday, and both of my $100 bills got spent at the fine establishment of Toys R US. In 1 trip each. The first time, it was […]
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Tags: bricks, cars, LEGO, micro machines, mom, money, saving, toys, toys micro machines, toys r us, uncle lenny, waste
Offer people money when they’re paying for your enjoyment. My favorite line that lead to this rule came from the Heinritz family: “Boats don’t run on thanks, they run on gas.” If they refuse, that’s up to them, but it’s up to you to initiate the gratitude.
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Tags: boats, cars, expensive, fun, gas, gift, gratitude, money, pay, thanks
Avoid causing conflict when possible. ie: once you master rule #3, don’t do the things that other people are going to hate you for. For example, if you’re going to stop your car in the middle of the street to talk to your friend on the sidewalk, make sure there’s no one behind you. The […]
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Tags: cars, considerate, courteous, inconsiderate, jerk, road hazard, rules
So Kallie and I need about 1.2 cars. I walk to work and most places we go together. Every once in a while though, we need to go separate ways. I’m envisioning a car that can break in half basically. I think there are people like us that need more than 1 car sometimes. There would also […]
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Tags: car mode, cars, city, drive, efficient, ideas, Kallie, parking, passenger, people, small cars, wheels, Work
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You’re staying at a hotel and you notice a car has it’s lights on in the parking lot. You stop by the front desk and let them know, but they can’t do anything about it because they don’t keep track of whose cars are in the lot. What else do you do? What else can […]
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Tags: alarm, car, cars, Do, keep, parking, question, track
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