LEGO Ideas is a site set up for people around the world to submit their ideas for possible sets. After I created my Cathedral of Learning and Stephen Foster Memorial in the Spring of 2012, I had many people ask me if I was going to submit it as a project for LEGO to review. […]
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Tags: architecture, bill peduto, building, cathedral of learning, cuusoo, Facebook, ideas, LEGO, people, Pitt, pittsburgh, project, support, university of pittsburgh, vote, world
Hot off the tails of the Cathedral of Learning winning the S.W. Randall competition, I became aware of LEGO’s new beta site,, and their competition! I didn’t have much time to prepare or make a bricklink order, especially with us going out of town 4 days before submissions were due! The rules are pretty […]
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Tags: bionicle, black, brick, cathedral of learning, competition, Kallie, Keren, LEGO, octopus, rebrick, tentacle
UPDATE: Read more about the LEGO Ideas project here – Email me if you want the parts list, instructions, or to buy a kit from me! Contact me if you would like to obtain the instructions for this build! Here’s a video of it being digitally blown up! Back when I did the […]
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Tags: 3d, architecture, art, brick, bricklink, cathedral of learning, contest, Deirdre, design, forbes avenue, Google, Kallie, LEGO, memorial, model, Pitt, pittsburgh, sculpture, sketchup, squirrel hill, stephen foster, sw randall, tower of knowledge, toy, university of pittsburgh, window
Comments: 3, 12,724 views
When I was in college, I had a creative writing class. It was a small class, less than 20 of us, and we met in one of the cool nationality rooms at Pitt. The professor’s last name was Hall, and I enjoyed her and the class tremendously. I don’t claim to have had a special […]
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Tags: blog, box, cathedral of learning, ceramic, college, create, creative, english, falcon, figurine, glaze, happiness, life, lipton tea, literature, nationality rooms, peregrine, Pitt, porcelain, red rose, semester, tea, writing, wyep
I once set out to create a model of Pittsburgh out of bricks. It didn’t turn out well. Scale is a hard thing to maintain when constricted to the shapes of LEGO bricks. So, the mini-series was born. As I’m inspired, or as requested, I’ll set out to recreate individual buildings and landmarks. Here’s what […]
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Tags: arena, art, block, brick, bricks, buildings, cathedral, cathedral of learning, civic, creation, LEGO, mellon, mini, model, Pitt, pittsburgh, recreation, scale, series, tower, university, us steel tower
Comments: 1, 2,164 views
Alright, this memory is going to be a little graphic, but i have to live with it, so I’m going to share it. With an opening sentence like that, how could you not read more? So while I was at pitt, I lived in Lothrop Hall. Lothrop Hall had disgusting bathrooms and the stalls did […]
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Tags: bathroom, cathedral of learning, door, jerk off, lothrop, Lothrop Hall, Pitt, privacy, scary, stall, wtf
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