Every time i look at my $75 a month cable bill, I wonder why I pay it. I was so happy without cable, and if I lived alone, there would be no cable. I don’t understand why I have to pay so much money for something that gives me commercials. This opens another topic about […]
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Tags: cellular telephone, Comcast, happy, home, manager, money, people, rant, representative, supervisor, wtf
I think i had my first, "When I was your age…" moment a couple weeks ago. Colin and I went out to see Rachel in Cleveland and we went to see Underoath and Poison the Well in concert. If you’re not familiar with them, you’re not alone. I’ve heard a few of their songs, nothing […]
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Tags: cell phones, cellular telephone, cleveland, Colin, home, music, people, person forward, Poison the Well, Rachel, thoughts, Underoath
this is the most lucid dream i’ve had in a long time. So i’m taking the bus somewhere. The bus actually varies a few times from a 15 passenger van, to a charter bus, but this is a minor detail. The seat layout was consistently like a 15 passenger van, bench seats, isle way on […]
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Tags: bus driver, cellular telephone, driver, family, mom, people, Work
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Things to do over my 12 day birthday weekend… Personal Development Make at least 1 life altering decision Became a organ donor Work out at least 3 times…1/3…FAIL! Become 24 years of age in mind, body, and soul…It was achieved a few times, feeling pretty good DO NOT SLEEP IN!…SUCCESS! Do something you’ve never had […]
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Tags: art, birthday, cellular telephone, church, Death Cab for Cutie, driver, friends, game, house, movie, oil, people, Playstation 3, sleep, song, Work
25 January, 2006 (15:05) | Dreams |
So, I’ve had lots of dreams where my dad is in them, sometimes he’s fine and nothing ever happened, and sometimes he actually survived the surgery, but last night was one of the first dreams that I remember having where he wasn’t actually there…sort of. I say sort of, because J’aime was talking to him […]
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Tags: cellular telephone, dad, Deirdre, dreams, house, Keren, mom, school, serah
the past 24 have sucked. so i woke up at 8 Tuesday to go to a cornerstone meeting we had, all went well there, but we had problems wrapping it all up, and getting to my class @ 11 late. When i got to the class, which was a 10 minute walk, it said that […]
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Tags: cellular telephone, Centre Avenue, Chris, church, email server, home, mom, sleep, Work, wtf