Looks like the Hill’s grocery store is finally financially stable enough to move forward and be completed by late spring or early summer, but we’ve been told that before. Also in the article is an announcement for new apartments and retail 1 block away from me. Good news! – http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/business/news/funding-secured-for-hill-district-shop-n-save-660928/ If you are curious what […]
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Tags: bedford, centre ave, city, development, hill district, master plan, mountain, penguins, pittsburgh, residential, view
Here’s some interesting past and present pictures of the Hill District. I can’t even imagine the Hill District being as lively as it used to be. So many buildings and businesses and people. It seems like it truly was connected to the hustle and bustle of downtown at one time. http://multimedia.post-gazette.com/ThenNow/Hill/Center/default.asp http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11226/1166781-53.stm
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Tags: centre ave, city, future, granada, hill, hill district, life, past, photo, pittsburgh, present, time