Save-a-lot was seeming to become a great addition to the Hill District community along Centre Avenue, but now we’ve got a horse of a different color on the block, and I like it. Kuhn’s, a homegrown local grocery store, is part of a "Centre City Square" plan developed by a bunch of groups like Crawford Square […]
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Tags: Centre Avenue, Crawford square, family, Family Dollar, hill district, house
The Pittsburgh housing authority has approved a sale of land to Pitt for new athletic facilities. The property is right next to the Oak Hill apartments. The land left over will be sold to Beacon developers to more than double the number of housing units of Oak Hill. This is great stuff for 2 reasons. […]
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Tags: Centre Avenue, hill district, Oak Hill, Oakland, pittsburgh
Throughout my years of living in the Hill District, I’ve noticed a few cultural trends on pedestrian behavior. One is just to stand around on the corners of Centre Avenue with nothing to do but watch people drive by or make obvious glances at women as they walk by. This happens 24 hours a day, […]
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Tags: Centre Avenue, driver, hill district, people
They imploded the old St. Francis hospital today across Centre Avenue from the Mellon Arena to make room for the new arena being built for the Pittsburgh Penguins. They had failed to pull it down a few weeks ago, so they just blew it up. I’m happy they did.
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Tags: Centre Avenue, happy, Mellon Arena, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Penguins, St Francis hospital They, St. Francis hospital
So, I’m pulling out of Giant Eagle Market District in Shady Side, making a left onto Centre Avenue. A black prius is turning into the lot, and stops to let me get out onto the road first. A guy is loading groceries into his car across the street and there is an asian woman standing […]
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Tags: Centre Avenue, christ, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Queen
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the past 24 have sucked. so i woke up at 8 Tuesday to go to a cornerstone meeting we had, all went well there, but we had problems wrapping it all up, and getting to my class @ 11 late. When i got to the class, which was a 10 minute walk, it said that […]
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Tags: cellular telephone, Centre Avenue, Chris, church, email server, home, mom, sleep, Work, wtf