27 September, 2005 (15:05) | News |
WOw! first the cardigans, now P.U.S.A.! looks like they have been rocking out this year in California and now in Australia. awesome! I emailed Chris Ballew around February this year, telling him I loved hearing his songs on commercials and for that shortlived tv program on abc with andy ricter and the quintuplets. anyway, rock […]
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Tags: Australia, California, Chris, Chris Ballew, official, Pusa, United States
Nearing the end of august, and i’ve got a lot on my plate. Big surprise there. Majorly back-logged with code work needed in the dragon game. It certainly isn’t a burden though. I find the game extremely rewarding. Having som many interesting people, from all over the world playing, seeing how they all interact, being […]
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Tags: bank, blah, Chris, code, dad, Deirdre, game, home, house, Keren, love, Maryland, mom, money, Penn, people, play, school, teacher, Work
16 March, 2005 (04:40) | Dreams |
Had a small dream last night where i was at my dad’s funeral, but it was in washington DC. Afterwards, my step-dad, Chris, and I walked out of the funeral home, and across the river you could see the lincoln memorial, but it had 7 circular rotundas in a semi-circle around it, each one about […]
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Tags: Adam, Chris, dad, home, house, mom, washington, washington DC
Comments: 12, 3,658 views
just letting you all know i am still kicking. working from 4am – noon is a little rough. It’s london’s 9-5 though, so i just have to think of it as i am a european trapped in an american’s time zone. i end up sleeping from about 1pm-6 or 7 each night. so getting 5-6 […]
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Tags: Chris, family, Keren, mom, player, school, sleep, Work
well, its been a while. i was supposed to go to PSU this past weekend and help serah move her crap back home, but I ended up not going, and my mom and J’aime went out friday night and came back early saturday morning. fun fun. I regret not going though. Since i was home, […]
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Tags: Chris, family, game, guitar, head hunter, home, LEGO, mom, Queen, serah, sleep, yankanuck
Comments: 2, 2,669 views
Yeah, so, ummm, staying up all night was not exactly the best idea i had last night. I did do some stuff all night though. And i wasn’t tired, it wasn’t like i had to force myself to stay up at all. So i finally made it to my bed at about 5:30 PM. at […]
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Tags: car situation, Chris, house, Jordan, Jordan Otto, play, sleep, Work