i was thinking about creating a video or something for oprah and sending it off. i guess i’ll just give you the story i would tell, and see if you think it is worthy of getting oprah to help out. I’ll just give the facts straight out and not fluff it like i would try […]
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Tags: bank, Caleb, church, dad, Deirdre, Faith, family, house, Keren, mom, school, serah
Comments: 10, 2,852 views
so we have ancestry.com and classmates.com, but i think that the government should fund a centralized database for all that, and everything in between. like i would go in and put in where i went to school, church, where i lived, people’s names that i remember from all those places, etc. and if enough people […]
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Tags: ancestry.com, church, classmates.com, family, friends, it's-a-small-world-afterall.com, money, people, school, the olympics
Comments: 19, 3,376 views
I went home for keren’s graduation and brought deirdre back up with me on thursday. took her to ultimate frisbee with the cornerstone crew, then off to the midnight openning of harry potter with her. she hung out my place all day friday while i was at work, and then we just hung out friday […]
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Tags: church, Deirdre, Harry, home, Keren, Work
Comments: 1, 2,524 views
What a weekend! loaded full of activity. I even ended up taking a nap! i hate naps! The day started with J’aime and Dan picking me up and we went to see Van Helsing. Not terrible. It was over 2 hours long, I think they should have split it into 2 movies. Overall, it wasn’t […]
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Tags: Adam, church, Deirdre, food, home, house, Keren, may day, mom, money, National Basketball Association, people, sleep, Van Helsing, waitress, Work
If i were in australia, would my head spin the other way?before i get too far…No. I did not drink. Did you really think i would?? I had a really great time though. Always fun with adrienne. I have to say though, ALL aspects of the past 24 hours have been complete new ground for […]
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Tags: Australia, basketball, church, gas station, guitarist, Harvard, Mark Sutter, Work
the past 24 have sucked. so i woke up at 8 Tuesday to go to a cornerstone meeting we had, all went well there, but we had problems wrapping it all up, and getting to my class @ 11 late. When i got to the class, which was a 10 minute walk, it said that […]
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Tags: cellular telephone, Centre Avenue, Chris, church, email server, home, mom, sleep, Work, wtf