ok, so last time i complained about it being cold, i lied. NOW it is cold. A frigid 6 degrees today. and i was outside for about 2 hours total. had to wait for Paul from NSS Life to pick me up at the T, and wouldn’t you know he took his good ol time […]
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Tags: Canada, Chad, church, Jordan, movie, Scott, Work
[yawn] my oh my, this weekend was full of exitement! I am so tired, and i slept so much today. so let’s see, Saturday i woke up about 12, went to the mall to get some shopping done, then i drove Keren and Deirdre around for their Christmas dance pregame events:) Deirdre took a kid […]
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Tags: Chris, Christmas, church, Deirdre, game, home, Keren, mom, money, New Year's Eve, public transportation system, school, Senior Coalition, song, Work
crazy week. work is going well, i only got 2 phone calls in the past 2 weeks, and i get $75 a week, so this new arrangement is working out well *rubs hands with evil grin* working on a new website with a guy named Pete from Pitt. it is for a youthgroup on campus. […]
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Tags: birthday, church, Cornerstone220.org, Jesus, movie, Work