Build your identity on what you do, not what others do. Mind your own business don’t worry about celebs dating lives or the big movies they’re in. We’re supposed to get excited about Emmy awards? Aren’t their salaries enough of an award? Aren’t the endorsement deals, the free meals, or the fame enough for them? […]
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Tags: award, awards, business, celeb, celebrity, circus, designer, emmy, Entertainment tonight, famous, gossip, identity, movies, outfits, red carpet, rumor, store, street, tmz
First off, if you have never seen a Cirque De Soleil show, right off the bat you’re obligated. It will be the most amazing thing you’ve ever seen. If you’re in Pittsburgh, you have until June 5th to see Totem. I saw Quidam twice, O in vegas, Alegria, and now Totem. Each time I’m […]
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Tags: alegria, amazing, circus, circus of the sun, cirque, cirque du soleil, cool, ka, kadam, las vegas, o, performance, pittsburgh, quidam, review, show, totem, travel, vegas