I had this idea sometime shortly after the attacks on the world trade towers on 9/11/01. There were all these people stuck on floors so high up, and their only way out were the windows. So many people just jumped to their death. The only other method of getting out of the building was the […]
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Tags: 9/11, building, chain, climb, emergency, escape, evacuate, fire, idea, ladder, portable, safety, sky scraper, window
escalators are not accessibilty aids, they’re there for efficiency, and should be used as such. They’re designed to get people where they need to go faster. ie: don’t just stand on the escalator. If you can’t walk up or down them, you should be on an ELEVator. EXCEPTION CLAUSE: IF you decide to ignore this […]
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Tags: burn calories, climb, efficiency, efficient, elevator, escalator, exercise, fat, lazy, move, otis, people, people mover, speed, stairs, time, walk