So i already have mentioned on how a color could look like another color to someone else, and we would never really know. but i have just been thinking about all the problems i have with colors recently. first off the difference between pigments and light. the primary colors in light are red, blue, and […]
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Tags: code, people, rant
Comments: 8, 2,678 views
bleh, working the weekend shift can get tiresome. just an hour left to go though. so since last i posted, not too much new has gone on i think. did a lot of site work on this main site and in the dragon games. put up the arcade with all kinds of retro games we […]
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Tags: AOL, code, game, geek, happy, head, josh, London, love, msn, nuke, phpnuke, slam man, stupid site, Work
well, got Dan’s car transferred over to my name today. Geico gave me a great deal on insurance. I have been using the “i got some good news…i just saved a load of money by switching to Geico” gag all week. It will never get old. Never. Afterward, i went theatre hopping solo. Chronicles of […]
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Tags: ben stiller, chuck norris, code, david hasselhoff, funny, game, Geico, home, money, movie
What a drag this weekend was. Drew bailed, said it was too far to drive. So i didn’t even bother calling bob. I had invited Keren and Deirdre in to go to a concert on campus where soulpatch was playing, and they ended up going to Robinson Mall to look for dresses with my mom […]
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Tags: Adrienne, birthday, Chris, code, Deirdre, friends, game, Jay-Z, Keren, love, mom, people, Robinson Mall
my mind is blank. all i did the past few days was work. I saw twisted thursday, that wasnt too bad. I have been puting A LOT of work into legend of the green dragon. got about 60 people playing now. I am working with a few other developers on a castle, that should be […]
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Tags: Chris, code, home, people, Queen, Work
Comments: 2, 2,536 views
holy cow! i had no idea that is was snowing so bad. There is like 6 inches of snow out, and it looks like PennDOT hasn’t even touched the roads. So needless to say, it was fun getting into work today. I love the snow though, i hope it never stops. But i also hope […]
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Tags: Adam, author, chair, Christmas, code, game, God, home, house, love, oil change, people, play, Work