When I was in college, I had a creative writing class. It was a small class, less than 20 of us, and we met in one of the cool nationality rooms at Pitt. The professor’s last name was Hall, and I enjoyed her and the class tremendously. I don’t claim to have had a special […]
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Tags: blog, box, cathedral of learning, ceramic, college, create, creative, english, falcon, figurine, glaze, happiness, life, lipton tea, literature, nationality rooms, peregrine, Pitt, porcelain, red rose, semester, tea, writing, wyep
I stumbled on Austin Kleon’s list here. I’ll break down his list, and add in my own advice and support for each of them. After all, all advice is autobiographical and all I’m doing is stealing like an artist. A lot of these are already similar to a Hall’s Rule of Social Order, and some […]
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Tags: advice., ARTIST, Austin Kleon, create, creativity, life, list, people, quote, read, rules, steal, top 10, Work
I realize that I won’t be able to blog frequently on my own LEGO creations, so I’ll showcase the works of other people as well. This one was displayed at Brickfest by Suzanne Rich
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Tags: art, ARTIST, brick, brickfest, catan, create, die siedler, games, inspiration, inspire, LEGO, settlers, settlers of catan
Comments: 6, 3,778 views
Check out this installation art that looks like a giant spider web but it’s made out of packing tape. You can actually crawl inside it. We need to get this to the Mattress Factory!!! www.fastcompany.com/1656197/designers-create-spiderman-worthy-cave-from-packing-tape
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Tags: art, create, giant spider web, home, Mattress Factory
4 November, 2009 (23:58) | Top 10 |
This isn’t a How-To jailbreak your iphone. It’s just some top reasons to jailbreak your iphone, based on my personal experience. There are a lot of jailbr0ken apps that are used far more than any that I will list, but they’re the reasons why I’m jailbroken. Right now I’m on 3.1.2 on my iphone 3G. Version […]
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Tags: 3G, a lot of tools, Apple iPhone 3G Smartphone, AT&T, create, friends, home, iphone, people, Secure Shell, SMS, wtf
Had a dream about a video game last night. It was a free roam world, 3rd person, kind of like the game Black & White. All the characters were animals and you had to interact with them to learn "concepts" like trading, communication, hiring, etc to get things done. The point was just to create […]
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Tags: create, game, George Orwell, happy, money, Work
Comments: 2, 4,910 views