ok, this is something i have been tossing back and forth, and trying to find holes in the idea. I think the government should have to function as a business. They should have to work for a profit, and if they fail to succeed, new management needs to step in. Taxes are already a form […]
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Tags: CEO, create, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Internal Revenue Service, money, people, president, superlative president, Work
seriously. WTF? I just don’t get it. In this day of technology, why aren’t taxes obsolete? just friggin take the money out of my paychecks and be done with it. YOU take care of it Mr. Man. don’t try and make it easier for my with this teletax, or e-file.com garbage. because that is what […]
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Tags: create, Man, money, people, printing costs, school, WHY AM, Work, wtf
It has long been one of my goals to create a word, and have it used publicly. i want to say, “i thought of that word.” maybe see it in the dictionary, or see it used on tv or in a movie. just to know that something went from my brain, to someone else’s ears, […]
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Tags: create, ideas, movie
well i still am in a major down. i havent left my apartment since tuesday, and that was to get some pizza downtown at sbarro’s. and befor that i havent left since work sunday. and before that, it was jubillee. i didnt go to cornerstone, i am so self destructive. i want to tear every […]
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Tags: create, dreams, happy, Keren, music, people, PHP, play, school, sleep, starving artist, thoughts, Work
Comments: 2, 2,531 views
had this thought in the mall today. So something can’t come from nothing, and there obviously is a limited amount of “stuff” in the universe. You need to keep that in mind if you are to understand where i am going with this. when people die, we put them in a box or some other […]
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Tags: banking, create, ideas, people
Comments: 12, 4,004 views
Becky had commented on how fast animals get adopted once they are on the news for stopping traffic, or getting stuck in a tree or whatever. It seems like everyone wants to either be the “good guy” and adopt that animal, even though they wouldn’t have adopted it on their own if it wasn’t on […]
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Tags: create, family, home, people, Work