This probably the most impressive LEGO build I’ve ever seen. Forget the Lord of the Rings tower. This is just so awesome on so many levels. I actually think it might be my favorite build I’ve ever seen. Seriously.
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Tags: art, book, box, chinese, creation, fold out, LEGO, moc, pop up, set
I once set out to create a model of Pittsburgh out of bricks. It didn’t turn out well. Scale is a hard thing to maintain when constricted to the shapes of LEGO bricks. So, the mini-series was born. As I’m inspired, or as requested, I’ll set out to recreate individual buildings and landmarks. Here’s what […]
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Tags: arena, art, block, brick, bricks, buildings, cathedral, cathedral of learning, civic, creation, LEGO, mellon, mini, model, Pitt, pittsburgh, recreation, scale, series, tower, university, us steel tower
Comments: 1, 2,167 views
human knowledge belongs to the world. You’re ridiculous if you claim your knowledge is your own. There is so much that contributes to your knowledge that you’re taking for granted. Also, if you keep your knowledge to yourself, you’re also preventing someone else from doing something else with it. Maybe even making it better.
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Tags: creation, entrepreneur, fight club, free, human, intellectual property, knowledge, member, Non nobis solum, open source, original, patent, share, thought, will
How much surface area would it take to create the tallest mountain manually? I think this would be a good task for some place in Colorado, since they’re already so elevated. You could build this mountain and design it to have a wide road that wraps around it, and depending how long it turns out […]
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Tags: creation, denver, depth, dirt, elevation, everest, hill colorado, idea, mountain, road, thought, tower of babel, truck
This is actually my second foray into the LEGO mosaic realm. The first one was a freehand design of the LEGO logo. A mosaic of Albert Einstein would require a little assistance though. There are 2 methods for creating mosaics in LEGO bricks, this one is a studs out technique, where the studs face the […]
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Tags: Albert Einstein, art, block, brick, commission, creation, einstein, fee, LEGO, logo, mosaic, optical illusion, picture, portrait, ratio, render, tile
Comments: 1, 3,275 views
When I first brought my LEGO collection from my mom’s house to my house, I created a large scale LEGO man. It was a little smaller, didn’t have moving arms, it had a baseball hat, and it had a double pocket torso, but it was very similar to this one. I had a few difficulties finding enough […]
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Tags: blue, brick, bricks, creation, house, LEGO, Man, mom, statue
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