This is effing ridiculous. A class action lawsuit waiting to happen. If anyone knows an attorney, I’d be willing to talk to them and split the winnings with you. So I get contacts earlier this spring, and each of the 4 boxes come with a $10 mail in rebate for CooperVision. So i send in […]
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Tags: bad people, card, contacts, cooper vision, coopervision, credit, death, debit, frustrating, poor business, pre-paid, prepaid, program, rant, rebate, rebates, rip off, scam, visa
Comments: 1, 3,414 views
"You’ll be surprised at what you can get done in an organization when everyone stops caring who gets credit for it." –My boss
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Tags: credit, organization
it would be cool if you could have a credit card with no available credit on it. that way, for those services that say they give you a month free, but you have to cancel it after that if you dont want to keep it, you won’t be billed anyway. and they would have to […]
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Tags: card, credit, give, keep
Comments: 2, 2,725 views