Growing up at my dad’s house, we had an above ground pool. I think it was about 4 feet high and 24 feet wide. We loved when the water got low, because that meant that Jay Gillis was coming over with his water truck to fill it up. He’d take the hose from his truck, […]
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Tags: bentleyville, bentleyville wesleyan, Bentleyville Wesleyan Christian School, church, dad, friends, gillis water hauling, happy, Jay Gillis, kids, memory, pool, quiet, respect, role model, summer, water
18 June, 2010 (12:00) | Dreams |
I had a pretty wicked dream last night about my step dad, Chris. It was more like a short film itself. It took place in this old time chinese town, with a royal family. The first scene had this mother in a kimono at the door of a house on a rainy night, kissing her […]
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Tags: bodyguard, cape, Chris, dad, dream, dreams, family, house, mom, movie, people, sad, short film, suspense
It’s been a while since I’ve put up a post in the "memories" category. I was thinking about times I’ve almost died. There aren’t many, I think, but still something worth sharing. When I was in high school, I dug up my Uncle Jay’s 250 watt 15" Pevey bass amp from my dad’s barn. The funny thing about […]
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Tags: dad, funny, memories, metal chair, PHP, school, Work
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This post is classified under "memories" for those facebook readers that don’t see categories. I wanted to write down my memory of the day I found out my brother had passed. Mom – be warned. Caleb and I slept in what would be called "Uncle Jay’s" room together when we lived at my Grandma’s house. […]
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Tags: dad, home, house, Jim Henson, memories, mom, people, Queen, school, song
10 June, 2009 (16:58) | Top 10 |
Reposted from my friend, Neil: *Top ten things Pittsburghers should do to celebrate if the Pens win the Stanley Cup* 10. Flip over Mellon Arena’s dome and put it on top of PPG Place to make the biggest, shiniest Stanley Cup ever 9. Load people dressed in penguin costumes into Giant Eagle shopping carts and […]
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Tags: Australia, dad, house, Mellon Arena, mom, Neil, people, Sidney Crosby, Stanley Cup, Stanley Cups
Here’s a first time truth story for you. when i was 13 or 14, i was big into BMG music service. I would sign up at my dad’s house, refer "Jay Hall" at my mom’s address, and I’d get 5 free CDs on top of the introductory offer. I think it worked out to 12 […]
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Tags: bassist, dad, dallas, friends, home, house, Jimmie's Chicken Shack, mom, music, school, Travis, X-fest