I have 2 favorite smells. fragrant tobacco from a pipe and concrete. Concrete reminds me of my childhood. Not only was there a lot of concrete pouring going on around the house as I was a kid, but my dad and I used to go watch people make roads. I love that smell. I also, […]
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Tags: dad, house, love, people, play
I’ll be the first to say I didn’t have much of a childhood. When I should have been loud and curious, I was getting yelled at for talking while Daddy was working. When I should have been out exploring the woods, I was packing my bags for the custody schedule change. When I should have […]
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Tags: car riding, dad, Dean Roberts, house, Kenny, Matthew, memories, Nintendo, people, play
Yay, I’m secure enough in my adulthood to tell this little gem. Maybe a testament to my social awkwards, maybe a propellant of my social awkwardness…who’s to say, either way, what a childhood. So I was in scouts as a kid, and really had a great time all along. If I remember correctly, I skipped […]
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Tags: chair and the chair, dad, friends, God, house, mom, school, serah
Debt cannot transfer to anyone but a spouse, correct? The way it worked when my dad died was that those that were owed money from my dad could come after his assets, such as his house, by placing a lien on the property. So what happens when someone is single and has huge amounts of […]
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Tags: dad, house, love, money, online orders, people
After my parents split, I got to have a day with my dad by myself. Thursday nights. I normally had a boy scout meeting then we’d go home and watch the simpsons. Sometimes, we’d take a drive out past Malden crossroads and up a hill to the left past a church to a dead end […]
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Tags: basketball, church, dad, home, house, play, serah
Three years ago today, around 2pm, I watched the color from my dad’s face dissappear. it was a Monday. I held his left hand in my left hand. I almost got sick at how he changed colors so fast and drastically. J’aime, Serah, and Robbie were in the room too, but I’m not sure which ones […]
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Tags: attorney, brother-in-law, Bruce, dad, emotion, family, happy, left hand, life insurance, memories, Mercy Hospital, people, priest, Robbie, Sarah Slavic, Scott, serah