Here’s a first time truth story for you. when i was 13 or 14, i was big into BMG music service. I would sign up at my dad’s house, refer "Jay Hall" at my mom’s address, and I’d get 5 free CDs on top of the introductory offer. I think it worked out to 12 […]
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Tags: bassist, dad, dallas, friends, home, house, Jimmie's Chicken Shack, mom, music, school, Travis, X-fest
What’s something really, really stupid you’ve done that could easily have resulted in your own death? – There was this incident with an M80 one windy night where Travis held it behind his head ready to launch, i put my hands around it to block the wind, and Dallas lit it… What makes you feel […]
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Tags: dallas, food, ideas, Travis
Good ol’ Heritage Hills Christian Academy. Bring your conservative christians, your social outcasts, your vagabond christian school seekers, your public school expellants, they’re all welcome. I met some of my best friends there. From 3rd grade to 9th grade, I learned a lot, grew a lot personally, and I attribute so much of my life’s […]
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Tags: dallas, friends, Heritage Hills, Heritage Hills Christian Academy, history teacher, math teacher, people, school
uploaded "Here to Dallas" on youtube. check it out and leave me some feedback love!
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Tags: dallas, love
Wee! So, Trip is all set now. Leaving pittsburgh may 16th headed for a quick stop in new york then over to rome. Then, first class to london on wednesday may 23rd. Back to rome on the 25th, then back to the states on saturday, the 26th. Work is paying for my room & board […]
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Tags: Carnegie museum, dallas, Deirdre, family, farmer, hill district, Katrina New Orleans, Keren, London, Luke Ravenstaul, Mayor, new york, people, pittsburgh, Propel Pittsburgh Commission, rome, Work
I want to post an update, but i’m kinda at a loss. I’ll just ramble. Christmas was fun, i was back at my mom’s a lot spending time with the family. got my cousin’s old golf clubs, thinking about trying to learn. feeling very sluggish recently. i want to work out for muscle this year, […]
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Tags: car transmission, Christmas, dallas, family, game, mom, play, school, Travis, Work
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