don’t stick your hand in the elevator door. If you still want to stick your hand in the elevator door, read these stories about people getting trapped and killed. That should make you think again. And here’s an elevator safety video: The truth is, you’re not in that much of a […]
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Tags: danger, decapitation, delay, dismemberment, door, elevator, hand, hurry, jerk, patience is a virtue, risk, rush, safetly
When Kallie and I had our back windshield broken by some kids while she was at work, she drove it home and I started doing some research on getting it replaced. In my online search, I found a lot of car windshield replacement services that boasted 24/7 hours. What I learned though, is that just […]
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Tags: 24/7, aaa, broken, call, car, charge, danger, drive, extra, Fix, glass, help, Kallie, mechanic, next day, overnight, repair, replacement, wind, windscreen, windshield
The naked trees wave white plastic bags Like wounded soldiers waving surrender flags Sirens scream from the project heights Homeless were once suburbanites Multiple stab wound lies on the street While the starving steal the shoes from his feet Where the in want out, and the out want in Where lives end, and business negotiations […]
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Tags: city, danger, hill, homeless, murder, poem, projects
3 September, 2010 (12:00) | Top 10 |
Here are the top 10 Precarious Building according to TIME. I’m particularly fascinated with the Sutyagin House, Archangel, Russia, because when I look at all these buildings, I think about how they were built and how they got the materials to where they ended up. Modern structures are easy to fabricate when you have a […]
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Tags: angles, buildings, danger, falling, house, impressive, leaning tower, pisa, precarious, tower, wooden
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