so thanksgiving come and gone, since i had to work (not a UK holiday) i drove home for dinner quickly and had to head off to work shortly after. They were slow nights, so i didnt mind. Friday, another first for 2006, I got sick as a result of drinking WAY too much. After all […]
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Tags: Deirdre, home, Mike, school, Work
alright, i have a chance to fill you in on everything since the last update. It’s been a busy few weeks. so finals for classes sucked, but i got through them with an 88% and an 84%. kinda sucky about the 88%, because I thought for sure I was going to get an A in […]
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Tags: Adam, Chris, code, Coors, Curtis, Deirdre, denver, Fish Creek Falls, funny, home, Jordan, Josh Hall, Kim, Minneapolis, nurse, people, pharmacist, professor, same professor, school, sleep, song, TAKE ME BACK TO THE HOSPITAL, the oscars, United Kingdom, Work, wtf
25 January, 2006 (15:05) | Dreams |
So, I’ve had lots of dreams where my dad is in them, sometimes he’s fine and nothing ever happened, and sometimes he actually survived the surgery, but last night was one of the first dreams that I remember having where he wasn’t actually there…sort of. I say sort of, because J’aime was talking to him […]
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Tags: cellular telephone, dad, Deirdre, dreams, house, Keren, mom, school, serah
wow, a lot to update i guess. I can’t remember the last time i made an update, which is actually a nice intro to the next topic… This past weekend, my family and I went up to Nemacolin to do some snowboarding, spa stuff, and just hang out. It was a great time. Saturday, Mike, […]
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Tags: Christmas, dad, Deirdre, family, house, Keren, King, Kong, Major, Meet the Feebles, Mike, mom, paramedic, peter jackson, school, Work
Nearing the end of august, and i’ve got a lot on my plate. Big surprise there. Majorly back-logged with code work needed in the dragon game. It certainly isn’t a burden though. I find the game extremely rewarding. Having som many interesting people, from all over the world playing, seeing how they all interact, being […]
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Tags: bank, blah, Chris, code, dad, Deirdre, game, home, house, Keren, love, Maryland, mom, money, Penn, people, play, school, teacher, Work
25 August, 2005 (05:17) | Dreams |
I’ve been having a lot of dreams about my dad, only recently, he has been pretty much mentally retarded. Now, my first instinct to that would be to laugh, but having done the research and being as interested in dreams and their relation to the real world as I am, I am perplexed as to […]
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Tags: attorney, Central Intelligence Agency, dad, Deirdre, dreams, house, inch collector, Karen Watson, metal work right infront, Michael Clarke Duncan, mom, school, serah, The Green Mile, Work