UPDATE: Read more about the LEGO Ideas project here – http://sixf00t4.com/2014/04/lego-ideas-project-cathedral-of-learning-and-stephen-foster-memorial/ Email me if you want the parts list, instructions, or to buy a kit from me! https://sixf00t4.com/contact-me/ Contact me if you would like to obtain the instructions for this build! Here’s a video of it being digitally blown up! Back when I did the […]
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Tags: 3d, architecture, art, brick, bricklink, cathedral of learning, contest, Deirdre, design, forbes avenue, Google, Kallie, LEGO, memorial, model, Pitt, pittsburgh, sculpture, sketchup, squirrel hill, stephen foster, sw randall, tower of knowledge, toy, university of pittsburgh, window
Comments: 3, 12,725 views
I want a huge fireplace. big enough to stand in. A walk in fireplace. Something you can have a bonfire on. I don’t want to have to bend over and hit my head on the mantle. Oh, and the mantle should be awesome too. Ornate, or just big and awesome as well.
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Tags: architecture, big, burn, deep, design, fire, fireplace, house, kitchen, large, oven, over-sized, stove, that's what she said, wood
Barcodes are ugly, but they don’t have to be. A company called D-barcode makes functional barcodes that are aesthetically pleasing. Design! http://www.barcoderevolution.com/gallery/index.php?c=all
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Tags: art, bar code, barcodes, cool, design, japan, print, scan
Do you know what TED Talks are? TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, but the topics that are covered in these talks are much broader and deeper than that. Some of the most respected minds in the world take time to give a lecture on their expertise. I know, I said the “L” word. […]
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Tags: design, entertainment, intelligent, lecture, love, Mike, people, smart, technology, TED, ted talks
Comments: 2, 1,680 views
Without going into the dream that inspired it, I want to have a basement or at least a low level room/area that is only accessible by a staircase that is on a third or second story. The ides is to have a normal stairwell where staircases are stacked on top of each other, but it […]
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Tags: basement, design, house, secret, staircase, stairs
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