If your problems are found to be geographic, leave. I’ll probably take some judgment here. I’ve always struggled with hungry people in 3rd world countries. Why are we taking the food and supplies directly to them? If school buildings, water wells, or something else enables the people to start caring for themselves, then great, but […]
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Tags: 3rd world, abandon, detroit, employment, flee, food, freedom, geography, get out of dodge, home, hunger, job, jobs, leave, liberty, michigan, nomad, poverty, problem, refuge, relocate, stubborn, travel, unemployment, vagabond, Work, world
Kallie and I drove to Chicago on Oct 15th for the Urbanathlon on the 16th. We were a little scared about the 7.5 hour drive since our car has been giving us so many (expensive) problems. It lasted though, and hopefully we didn’t shave off too many days of it’s life. We stayed at the […]
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Tags: car, chicago, detroit, food, fruit sushi, frushi, gary sinese, girl and the goat, holiday inn, Kallie, orange, race, restaurant, review, steppenwolf, trip, urbanathlon, west loop
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Kallie’s cousin, Julia, works at the Steppenwolf Theatre, and while we were in town, she hooked us up with tickets to see Detroit, by Lisa D’Amour. First off, Kallie and I had never heard of the theatre, let alone the play. Maybe it’s because we’re not from Chicago, or maybe it’s because we are uncultured […]
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Tags: chicago, culture, detroit, gary sinese, neanderthals, play, review, second city, steppenwolf, theatre
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