Think for yourself. At the risk of sounding too much like Emerson, form your own opinions. Don’t just swallow the expert’s advice. The fact is, sometimes they’re wrong or sometimes you’re different than what they’re generalizing. If they’re right, then great, but at least you know why they think that way and why you agree with […]
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Tags: authority to think, brain, child, dogma, emerson, gullible, original, thought, unique
I’ve heard about the airlines that charge you for 2 seats if your body “prevents the use of safety belts or arm rests” or whatever, even famous director Kevin Smith was forced to pay the fees on one airline. What I’m thinking is that airlines start charging based on BMI, or some other type of […]
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Tags: airlines, bmi, charges, dogma, fat, fee, fees, flight, flights, kevin smith, overweight, people, prices, silent bob, ticket, weight