So many new announcements going on in Pittsburgh! We just have to find out how we’re going to pay for it all. The New Granada theatre nears it’s financing goal of $1.1M. It’s a block from my house and it is such a sad thing to see it falling apart. If they can get the rest of that […]
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Tags: Don Barden, house, money, Neil Bluhm, pittsburgh, Rivers Casino, sad
Surprise, Surprise, Don Barden doesn’t have the money to finish the casino as planned, so he’s sold off 75% ownership to some dude in Chicago. That means that the Majestic Star will most likely be called something else. There’s all kind of hooting and hollering going on, some saying that it’s a bait and switch, […]
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Tags: blah, chicago, Don Barden, money, Neil Bluhm, steel structure blotter, Surprise
What the heck is up with Don Barden? This guy is probably the worst business man I’ve ever read stories about. He didn’t want to play ball with the penguins when he first got the license, then he didn’t want to play ball with the steelers and pirates, then he didnt want to play ball […]
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Tags: Don Barden, friends, hill district, pittsburgh, play, worst business man
I walked over to the North Side yesterday to play basketball at the Allegheny Center Alliance Church and I walked through the Allegheny Center mall…That place is like walking through the set of 28 days later. There’s no one there. Stores are empty. THIS IS A MALL. I felt like I was walking through some sort […]
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Tags: Allegheny Center Alliance Church, Allegheny Center mall, basketball, Carnegie Free Library, church, Don Barden, Heinz Field, pittsburgh, play, PNC park, THIS IS A MALL, venue/entertainment complex, west coast, Work
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