“Did you ever have a job that you hated and worked real hard at? A long, hard day of work. Finally you get to go home, get in bed, close your eyes and immediately you wake up and realize… that the whole day at work had been a dream. It’s bad enough that you sell […]
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Tags: dreams, home, money, Work
with last night’s dream of my dad and the reoccurence of such dreams, along with a few recent dreams taking place at work, I’m thinking about what the unleashed and undirtied mind dreams about. Meaning, these are things that are in my life, about things that are happenning right now. I almost grow frustrated that […]
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Tags: dad, dreams, love, play, Work
25 August, 2005 (05:17) | Dreams |
I’ve been having a lot of dreams about my dad, only recently, he has been pretty much mentally retarded. Now, my first instinct to that would be to laugh, but having done the research and being as interested in dreams and their relation to the real world as I am, I am perplexed as to […]
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Tags: attorney, Central Intelligence Agency, dad, Deirdre, dreams, house, inch collector, Karen Watson, metal work right infront, Michael Clarke Duncan, mom, school, serah, The Green Mile, Work
it’s 5 am, and i am just going to bed. Got a lot to do today. clean the apartment, eye doctor’s, going to a Who – Tommy broadway thing with adam, and i gotta pack for yankanuck. leaving 6am saturday and going up to canada for a week. should be lots of fun. i am […]
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Tags: Adam, Canada, code, dreams, guitar, Keren, people, play, yankanuck
Comments: 8, 2,980 views
2 April, 2005 (08:46) | Dreams |
had an interesting dream last night. I was at a doctors office with 2 friends, and the three of us were having a conversation with the doctor. somewhere in the conversation, the doctor tried to make a joke, and then punchline was, “you know what they say about the a doctor’s wife.” the three of […]
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Tags: dreams, friends, Zachariah
“A man’s dreams die with him.” – My Uncle Kenny
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Tags: dreams