The hill district has the first-in-the-nation off-campus university-run community pharmacy! If you remember back with all the grocery store talks, Kuhn’s was supposed to build a full service store with a pharmacy in it, but now that they backed up, Duquesnse University stepped up and built one. I’m excited to see the relationship with the […]
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Tags: community, duquesne, grocery, hill district, news, pharmacy, pittsburgh
Here’s an update on some Hill District projects: YMCA: This is going in 2 blocks from my house on Centre Avenue. It is currently slated for an early 2012 completion. Should be awesome to have an indoor basketball court and pool so close! Also, it’ll be one of the city’s largest green certified buildings. Post-Gazette […]
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Tags: basketball, Centre Avenue, certified, civic arena, Connelley, Consol Energy, consol energy center, duquesne, green, hill, hill district, Hill House Association, home, house, leed, Mellon Arena, money, One Hill Coalition, paul mccartney, penguins, pharmacy, PHP, Pitt, pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Green Innovators, school, shop 'n save, washington, Work, ymca