Tag: electricity

Hall’s Rule of Social Order #224

25 June, 2012 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

If you are relying on electricity, you aren’t camping.   That includes having to recharge or replace batteries.  I’m all for modern camping, but the point of camping is to get away from your normal life, not bring all the crap along with you.  Some people would say that if you can’t carry it on […]

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biolite stoves are going to revolutionize the mobile and underdeveloped world

31 May, 2012 (12:00) | Geeked Out

The Biolite stoves are game changers. There are 2 different stoves being made right now.  One is a stove that is used for camping and one is being used as a solution for cooking in poor countries.  Both of these products are amazing. They’re clean, safe, and cheap.  They produce electricity to charge or power […]

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